Author: brock G

Developer, crypto enthusiast, and blockchain advocate, I am driven by the convergence of my coding prowess and my deep passion for cryptocurrencies. My journey in the world of blockchain technology has ignited my excitement for its disruptive and transformative potential. Beyond my technical endeavors, I'm also a skilled editor, finely tuning the written word with precision and artistry. Whether it's crafting elegant lines of code or polishing prose to perfection, I find joy in the creative and logical aspects of both worlds and thrive on the challenge of making complex ideas accessible and actionable.

The world of cryptocurrencies is full of opportunities and challenges, especially for those relying on the Proof of Work (PoW) mechanism. As a vital consensus algorithm, PoW ensures the security of blockchain networks and offers generous rewards for miners. Today, we will delve into new PoW coins and share some insights on how to find reliable new PoW coins. How PoW Coins Work The working principle of new PoW coins is straightforward. Every miner competes to solve a complex mathematical puzzle; the first to solve it earns the right to create a new block and receive the newly generated coins…

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Recently, I had the opportunity to dive deep into one of Solana’s latest technological innovations: Blink. As a researcher focused on blockchain core technology development, I believe this feature has the potential to significantly simplify how users interact with blockchain technology and accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrencies. Today, I’m excited to share some insights about Solana Blink and help more people understand and leverage this technology. What is Blink Technology? Blink, short for “blockchain link,” is a revolutionary feature introduced by Solana. It aims to seamlessly integrate blockchain transactions into everyday digital interactions. In simple terms, Blink converts Solana Actions…

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With the rapid evolution of blockchain technology, The Open Network (TON) has emerged as a noteworthy project. Initially developed by the Telegram team, TON aims to create an efficient and decentralized internet and financial system. In this guide, we will delve into the background, technical features of TON, and the detailed steps to run a TON node locally. Background and Technical Features of TON TON’s history dates back to 2018, when Telegram announced its blockchain project, the Telegram Open Network (TON). Due to regulatory challenges, the project underwent significant restructuring and is now maintained by an independent developer community under…

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At a blockchain developer conference, I encountered a novice smart contract developer named Alex. With a puzzled expression, he asked me, “Why is my transaction on Ethereum stuck in a pending state?” This question not only perplexed Alex but also many blockchain enthusiasts and developers. Today, I’d like to take this opportunity to share insights on the issue of long-pending transactions. Alex’s Dilemma Alex, a young developer passionate about blockchain technology, had recently deployed his first smart contract. When he attempted a simple transfer operation, the transaction was delayed indefinitely, remaining in a pending state. This frustrated him because he…

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In the crypto and Web3 space, identifying “smart money” on-chain is a skill that requires patience and detailed analysis. Smart money typically refers to investors with foresight who can accurately predict market movements and take action before significant price changes. This article will share some personal experiences to help you efficiently identify and track these smart money investors. Using Etherscan’s Advanced Filtering Features Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for Ethereum, offering powerful advanced filtering capabilities. You can use Etherscan to query addresses that bought a token in large amounts before its price surge and observe their selling behavior at peak…

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What is EigenLayer? The Future of Ethereum Restaking Explained EigenLayer stands at the forefront of blockchain innovation, specifically targeting the enhancement of the Ethereum network’s security and functionality. Through a revolutionary process called restaking, Ethereum stakers are empowered to use their staked ETH and liquid staking tokens (LSTs) for additional rewards while supporting a wide range of protocols. This extension of Ethereum’s security framework is poised to benefit the entire blockchain ecosystem, offering a novel approach to asset utilization and network reinforcement. The 2024 Milestone: EigenLayer’s Mainnet Phase Two As 2024 approaches, the EigenLayer project is preparing to launch the…

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Binance Labs, the venture capital and incubation arm of Binance, has made a significant investment in Memecoin (MEME), the native token of Memeland. This move has led to a substantial surge in the value of MEME, reflecting its growing prominence in the crypto space. Here’s a detailed look at this development: Investment by Binance Labs: Binance Labs, known for backing promising projects in the cryptocurrency world, has invested in Memecoin (MEME), which is the native token of Memeland​​​​. Memeland is a Web3 venture studio that emerged from the meme giant 9GAG​​​​. Impact on MEME’s Value: The investment from Binance Labs…

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Cryptocurrency trader and investor EliZ¥ has predicted that Conflux (CFX) may see further price increases in the coming days. This follows the altcoin’s recent breakout above a key resistance level, as identified by the trader. However, at the time of the post, the cryptocurrency was trading just below a negative trend line. 4-hour chart for CFX/USDT (Source: TradingView) CFX managed to breach a negative trend line that had been forming on its charts over the past 8 hours. Currently, the cryptocurrency is trading slightly below this level after retracing from the high of $0.1264 reached in the most recent 4-hour…

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In the world of web security, CSRF, or Cross-Site Request Forgery, is a term you should be familiar with. CSRF is a type of cyber attack that can lead to unauthorized actions on web applications, often without the victim even realizing it. In this article, we will explore what CSRF is and, more importantly, how to protect yourself and your web applications from this threat.

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